I was perusing the web this morning and came across these “Twilight: New Moon” images at Entertainment Weekly’s website. I’ll be frank, I have no idea what is even happening in these photos, but my guess is Bella is pouting in both and these rugged, over-stylized vampires are giving her tender, yet firm guidance. And of course the one with Edward Sparklepants is definitely ending in a cold, pasty kiss. These do nothing for me, but if you’re a “Twilight” fan, I’m guessing these might make you a little jazzed for the November 20th release date. Click the thumbnails below for the full-sized version.
11 comments On Twilight New Moon Images from EW
Zzzzzzzz. Snort- wha? I love the stills they release for this, which could have just as easily come from the first one. Vampires are dumb.
Vampires ARE dumb. That being said, I can’t tell if that chick is hot or not. You guys need to put a poll up to find out for sure.
Kristen Stewart is hot and cold with me and I’d say at this juncture, she’s living in Andy’s Antarctica. She comes across as a disheveled skater-chick to me and I’m just not swooning over her. Sorry.
Edward is HOT!!! He can bite my neck anytime….
Hey, did you see that picture in the post? Are you telling me pencil-thin lips, crazy-ass hair and pasty skin are what passes for hot?
Kristin Stewart looks like she has a perpetual bad attitude. And it ain’t Robert Pattison that’s got the chicks a-swooning. If Danny DeVito was cast as Edward, they’d still be making excuses and asking for bite marks.
That and a back shave.
I’m as excited for this movie as I am for a colonoscopy performed by (and with the equipment of) the Roto-Rooter man.
BUZZ….Robert is a hottie…he was even cast as the dream-boat Cedric in the Harry Potter series, therefore, your theory of it being because he’s a vampire is a bust….sorry fellas
Cedric died and is now considered a dreamboat only because of Edward. You LOSE, Ke-Sandra!
Uh, not so fast Mr Daniel-son….Cedric was written as a dreamboat waaaaay before Edward was even a sparkle in Ms Meyer’s eye…which is why Robert was cast as said Cedric in the first place. Any true H.P. fan knows that.
What’s that I hear…yeah…that’s right….OH SNAP!!
You lose again, Ke-Andy!
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