I saw this posted over at The Movie Blog and had to post it here, as well. It’s from The Onion which has 100 percent better news than anything blaring on the “real” news right now. Anyhow, enjoy the clip below and happy Cinco de Mayo!
I saw this posted over at The Movie Blog and had to post it here, as well. It’s from The Onion which has 100 percent better news than anything blaring on the “real” news right now. Anyhow, enjoy the clip below and happy Cinco de Mayo!
4 comments On Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film
I heard this on X96 this morning on the way to work, hilarious stuff. The best part was about how the fact there’s no clumsy, stiff acting and long discussions about interstellar politics was a “Slap in the face” to trekkies everywhere.
LOL! That was some funny stuff.
Oh hell no
It really a funny clip.
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