Philip K. Dick died in 1982 after suffering a stroke at the age of 53. I’m betting the Average Joe has no idea who Dick was, but if I told you his novels had spawned the movies Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, Imposter, Paycheck, A Scanner Darkly and Next, you’d probably think Dick was brilliant, maybe a little nuts and definitely rich. Despite his body of work, Dick died pretty close to the poverty level and obviously isn’t around to reap the benefit of Hollywood tapping his material. Like many brilliant authors, the tip of the hat to Philip K. Dick comes posthumously.
I bring this up because a short story Dick wrote, The Adjustment Team, is coming to the big screen via Matt Damon and Emily Blunt and has been renamed The Adjustment Bureau. You can check out the trailer by clicking this link, but I’d at first glance first-time director George Nolfi has assembled a nice piece of sci-fi noir with a great cast and a great feel. It’s slated for release on September 17, 2010, so we’ll see this fall if my prediction holds true.
Click here to watch the trailer, or click the article heading above.
6 comments On Trailer Tuesday: The Adjustment Bureau
Im diggin the half cut off tube links.)
Whaddya mean? I’m confused.
The trailer links are cut off in the browser, lets say i click on the link and the movie begins loading, i can only view roughly half the picture, does that make sense?
What browser are you using? I’m in Firefox and nothing is cut off in the trailer above at all. I also checked it out in IE and it looked normal to me. If I’m missing something, let me know or send me a screenshot.
Firefox 5.0
I checked Chrome and IE also, using Win 7 64bit.
They each had the same issue, hmm..might be on my end, but i dont have this issue on other sites.
Send me a screenshot, will you. I’m running XP at work and Vista at home and I don’t see this in IE, Firefox or Chrome. Nothing gets cut off.
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