I fell asleep about 15 minutes into Tron, the 1982 DayGlo sci-fi adventure starring Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner, so about the only handshake I have with the movie is countless quarters wasted on the arcade game of the same name. When a sequel was announced – this December’s Tron: Legacy – I yawned and gave 3D another fierce shake of the fist. To this date I have seen nothing, story-wise or visual elements, that has pulled me from the “meh” to the “must-see.”
Until now.
Not sure what it is about this trailer – perhaps it’s The Dark Knight feel of the cityscapes or The Dark Knight feel to the mood music accompanying the trailer – but it’s finally caught my attention and I’m curious to see if this sequel, coming 28 years later, has the ability to wow audiences beyond the (literally) neon lights. One thing is for certain: the airbrushed Jeff Bridges looks beyond fake on the small screen, so I can’t imagine him looking any more realistic on the big screen. Maybe this is worked into the plot, but I doubt it.
At any rate, what are your thoughts? Looking forward to Tron: Legacy? Have you seen the 1982 version?
Tron: Legacy opens on December 17, 2010 and stars Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Bruce Boxleitner, Olivia Wilde and Michael Sheen.
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