The Hurt Locker Confirmed for Logan Art Cinema This Weekend

The Hurt Locker, arguably the best film of the year, comes to the Logan Art Cinema this Friday. This is a must-see movie and I’d bet the response and traffic will be so large the head honchos at the Westates move The Hurt Locker to Movies 5 or University Stadium 6. The Logan Art Cinema is located at 785 North Main, directly west from Smith’s Marketplace. Showtime is 7:00 PM and 9:30 PM. I highly encourage you to catch this while you can and then come back and give us your thoughts.

You can read my review by clicking here. Also, check out the trailer below.

8 comments On The Hurt Locker Confirmed for Logan Art Cinema This Weekend

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    I know people are peeing themselves over this film, but this one didnt do it for me.
    There were some intense scenes and it was filmed superbly but i didnt like how he was this bad ass who strangley enough didnt give a shit about his team and he’d run in there like John Wayne with no regard for his own saftey and we never find out why he’s this crazy ahole.

    Also i was informed this isnt how the EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) units do it at all over there, they dont go in alone like these guys did, im not sure if this is accurate or not but when i heard that..i felt some contempt, for all the realistic presentation and intensity(..and too much shakey cam which is way overdone these days)they treat me the viewer like an idiot who needs to be spoon fed Hollywood drama and explosions without giving me the opportunity to get to know who this cowboy is and why i should give two shits about him.

    The scene when he goes into town at night alone felt kind of tacked on and silly to me and when we finally meet his family at home it felt like he didnt really give a poop about his wife either and all he can think about is going back to that shithole to finish his self destruction.

    So whats this guys modus operandi? To be the best he can be in the Army?
    To be a great American? Me thinks not.
    Id like to know how some of our real EOD units feel about this film cause as an uninformed person it felt silly to me.

  • I really cant type or spell for poop.

  • I disagree completely with your assessment. The screenplay was written by Mark Boal, who was embedded with the EOD in Iraq in 2004. There’s quite a bit of truth in The Hurt Locker according to him (, but he also does point out this isn’t a documentary.

    As for introspection into the mind and motives of Sgt. James, I didn’t get the same feelings of character and story abandonment that you did. In fact, quite the opposite. I appreciated the way Boal and Bigelow didn’t contrive dialogue to answer questions about any of the characters. The fact that I can get a feel and understanding for the characters visually and through emotion is the hallmark of a great cast and a superb filmmaker.

  • I’m with you, Andrew. I absolutely loved this movie.

  • “So whats this guys modus operandi?”

    You already answered that in a sense:

    “…felt like he didnt really give a poop about his wife either and all he can think about is going back to that shithole to finish his self destruction.”

    That’s the whole point of the film– asking the question “What makes a man want to be a professional soldier– or to even go back to diffusing bombs?” For Sgt. James, it was simply that civilian life couldn’t compete with the razors edge of his wartime job.

  • My question is will a chick like this movie? I totally dig action films.

  • You’d definitely appreciate the tension. This film is not only affecting, it could be a lift for the self-made cubit zirconium industry.

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