The Hangover (Dan’s Take): (**)

As it turns out, The Hangover just wasn’t my shot of Jagermeister. At first, I thought was getting old– that my freewheeling and marginally shameful appreciation of frat-tastic humor was giving way to wrinkly, age-spotted prudery. However, about twenty minutes into The Hangover, I realized I wasn’t experiencing a sudden onset of geriatric clucking— I simply realized I was watching the exploits of men who become brash man-children when exposed to additional testosterone, increased blood-alcohol levels and the prospect of

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The Hangover (***)

I have two rules in life. Okay, wait, scratch that. I have more than two rules. I have lots of rules. Stuff like “only kick cats if I see them using my sandbox for a bathroom,” or “sugar-free Red Bull makes even the saddest of days bright,” or “white bread, bologna and lots of mayo is always a good idea” and “it’s okay to not shower on Saturdays and spend the entire day playing Guitar Hero on the XBOX 360.”

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Nothing says, “Aaaaw” Like a Hangover, a Beard and a Papoose

So The Hangover has a few new character posters out. While they make a half-hearted attempt, none are really funny… except this one. For some reason, Planet Beardatron representative (and Hangover costar) Zach Galifianakis asking “Whose baby is this?”, all while the little dude is papoose-strapped to his chubby chest, made me smile. Ok, maybe it’s not that funny, but it’s funnier than swine flu, so would that it should do the same for you. Click to inspect the bearded

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