The Wolf Pack Saga Whimpers to a Close with THE HANGOVER PART III

GRADE: D Remember back in 2009 when audiences were abuzz about what tigers dreamed of, whether the said striped jungle cats preferred pepper over cinnamon, and exactly who was the tiny, naked violent Asian man springing from the Wolf Pack’s Mercedes? Cast your mind to 2011, when we wondered if this was a magic show, and where a chubby, bearded dude purchased his awesome golden lab t-shirt and how that and a traditional Chinese hat seem to be the perfect apparel

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New Trailer for The Hangover: Part II has me Pining for May 26!

You know what makes the first full-length trailer for The Hangover: Part II so funny? Two things: First, I don’t ever not laugh when Zach Galifianakis’ character, Alan, says, “When a monkey nibbles on a weenus, it’s funny in any language.” And second, the trailer, which you can watch after the jump, was recently pulled from theaters because of said quote and said scene referencing oral sex from a primate. That’s right, folks. Snuggle up and smell the debauchery at Andy

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The Hangover II Trailer is a Big Fat Teasing Trailer Tramp

We’ve known The Hangover: Part II has been heading to theaters this Memorial Day (May 26, 2011) since Todd Phillips’ The Hangover was a financial and critical success in 2009, but we haven’t, other than casting, been given much and this teaser trailer continues in the same fashion. We know the movie is set in Thailand and it appears Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms) and Alan (Zach Galifianakis) are looking for their long lost pal, Doug (Justin Bartha), yet

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American Film Institue Names Best of 2009

The American Film Institute has rolled out its AFI Awards, an annual top ten list of the year’s best films. AFI’s 2009 list includes Coraline, The Hangover, The Hurt Locker, The Messenger, Precious, A Serious Man, A Single Man, Sugar, Up and Up in The Air. I can agree with all of those, however I haven’t seen The Messenger, A Single Man, Sugar or Up in The Air. I was hoping to see the latter, but apparently in the world

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Doug and Dug Rule the Weekend Again

These are just estimates, but it appears “The Hangover” ($33,415,000) has repeated as box office champ, with “Up” ($30,515,000) coming in a strong second, in virtual spitting distance of the “surprise” R-rated comedy. John Travolta and Denzel came in third with “The Taking of Pelham 123” ($25,000,000), and the top five was rounded out by “Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian” ($9,600,000) and “Land of the Lost” ($9,153,000). Paramount Pictures must be thrilled their Eddie Murphy-headlined “Imagine That”

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More Hangover Love: Mike Tyson Sings

My unabashed love for “The Hangover” is akin to Dan’s love of “District 9,” so taking a page from his book, I will acknowledge my adoration, but I will not apologize. No, sir! And with that, here’s Mike Tyson singing along to Phil Collins “In the Air Tonight” in an extended “The Hangover” preview. Enjoy!

Play it Again, Stu

Yes, I know The Hangover exceeded expectations. Yes, I know I’m in the minority for giving it two stars. But that wasn’t because this gold-plated impromptu piano ditty. Unfortunately, to make it all-ages appropriate, the trailer sloppily cuts the abrupt, song concluding s-bomb, which is really what made the song all the more endearing. Cussing or not, this sweet number reminds me of an Andy Samberg/Adam Sandler/Jimmy Fallon sing-along and there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that. Please, meditate in the

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Weekend Box Office Proves Us Right

So Up retained the number one spot at the box office this weekend with a $44.2 million take, giving a Three Stooge slap, bonk and poke to The Hangover (if just barely) and kicking Will Ferrell and Land of the Lost where they might not have deserved it most- right in the pruney. Which goes to prove Andy and Dan are both prophetic. Or good guessers. Or a couple dudes who can simply state the obvious. Let’s go with the

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