It’s been a year since we’ve had to commune, by choice or force, with Edward (Robert Pattinson), Bella (Kristen Stewart), Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and the whole Forks, Washington crew, including the pasty-skinned, pissy Volturi creepies from Italy, whom we’ve seen briefly in the last two films. But hold on tight, Twihards, because The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 hits theaters on November 18, 2011 and the first preview hit the web earlier in the week. You can watch …
Tag: Taylor Lautner
Twilight fans have been a spoiled bunch. In less than two years they’ve enjoyed three movies – Twilight, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse – hewed from their beloved Stephanie Meyer vampire/werewolf romance series of the same name. Star Wars fans had to wait six years for three movies and even Lord of The Rings groupies had to wait three years for their saga to be completed. Well, karma has come full circle, my friends. At last …
By ANDY MORGAN Making fun of Twilight fans and bemoaning Stephanie Meyer’s novels and the subsequent movies is almost as easy as drumming up sarcastic jabs about Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton or Miley Cyrus. There’s no effort required. It’s easy. And it’s also out of control. It’s almost as popular to dump on the vampire-werewolf franchise as it is all the rage to scoop up Team Jacob or Team Edward paraphernalia at Hot Topic. Every time I see a teen …
If you missed the MTV Movie Awards yesterday, then you definitely missed this exclusive Eclipse clip (say that 10 times fast) and that means you also missed some serious Edward/Jacob tension. I’m not a Twilight fan, but The Twilight Saga: Eclipse might be the best film of the soon-to-be quintology. Click here to see the clip, or click the article headline above.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse got a brand new trailer today – unveiled on Oprah – and while there isn’t any “I’ll fight for you until your heart stops beating” lines of love from six-packed lycans, there are certainly enough WTF moments to cause the Twitarded folks to scratch their heads and drool, which means there is enough nerd candy for the Twihards to suck on until June 30. I count myself, luckily, as Twilight illiterate, so I honestly had no …
I’m not a fan of The Twilight Saga, but this poster blows. I know, I know. I sound surprised. I’m not, but if I was a fan, I’d be disappointed. Plus, am I the only one who can’t figure out why Bella isn’t picking Jacob over Edward? I mean, just from the poster wouldn’t you go with the dependable hunk over the pasty-skinned, brooding vampire who is always running away? Seems clear to me, but then girls generally like the …
It’s almost been four months since Glittery Ed and Dour-Faced Bella were seen together with Jacob “The Real Wolfman” Black on the big screen in The Twilight Saga: New Moon, and the release of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is almost equally far off. But don’t fret, Twihards. You can hop online right now, or head to your local DVD store this Friday night, and pick up your copy of The Twilight Saga: New Moon. If you are looking to purchase …
Twilight is what it is: Love it, hate it or care less. I don’t begrudge anyone their love for the series, but tend to hold coats in the “care less” line. The new trailer for the latest entry (directed by 30 Days of Night‘s David Slade and chomping at the bit for its June 30 release) doesn’t help, considering it could have easily been used for last year’s New Moon. Has such a simple story ever felt like its climax …