Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln Trailer Arrives and Smells of Oscar

By now most folks have seen the paparazzi pictures of a chinstrapped Daniel Day-Lewis (There Will Be Blood) relaxing in a café during the filming of Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln, and if you haven’t seen that snapshot, then you’ve definitely seen the poster for Lincoln, due for wide release in theaters on November 16, 2012. Despite Day-Lewis’ amazing resemblance to the 16th president of the United States and a surefire best actor Oscar nod, there hasn’t been a trailer or media

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Captain America Director Talks Jurassic Park Re-Boot and Boba Fett

Oh, man! Just the what the world needs right now! More Jurassic Park and more Star Wars! Please, dear Lord in Heaven, make this not happen. Yes, according to the traffic whores sleuths at (HA!), Joe Johnston, director of Captain America: The First Avenger, says a Jurassic Park re-boot is coming down the pike, and he has a Boba Fett movie in mind for George “Hollah for Dollahs” Lucas. So what is fact and what is fiction? Well, Steven

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News of Halo 4 Gives Me Renewed Hope for Halo Movie

I can’t recall how many times over the last two years I’ve written about possible rumblings and rumors regarding the locked-in-development-hell Halo movie. You remember the Halo movie, right? Yeah, remember when Halo was a big deal, when it actually had some momentum? It was in 2005-2006, at the peak of Halo 2 and its eye-popping popularity on XBOX Live, and right before the release of Halo 3 in 2007. The buzz was high and Peter Jackson – yes, the

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Mysterious Halo Images Promise a Halo Movie that Looks Like Turd

I promise to withhold total judgment until this fan film is completely finished, but as a fan of Halo and someone who wishes Microsoft would pull their heads out of their asses and make the damn thing already, this kind of low-budget, let’s-play-guns-in-the-backyard dorkiness just makes me cringe. I know, I know, someone – in this case UK amateur filmmaker Peter Cooper – is passionate about Halo and has put quality time and effort into translating that love to film,

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Super 8 Trailer Smells More Like Spielberg than Abrams

While I’m not a fan of Abram’s television ventures – mostly because I’ve never seen one episode of Alias or Lost, I am a fan, thus far, of his big screen directing, particularly last year’s Star Trek re-boot. I’m not even going to mention how much I love Steven Spielberg. The man could direct a movie about the Wiggles and I’d be first in line. So when I heard these two creative behemoths joined storytelling forces to create this summer’s

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I Heart Dinosaurs, but Jurassic Park 4 is a Bad Idea

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, when I was a senior in high school, I read a book for the first time in years (without being forced – and even then I slurped up the Cliff’s Notes) and that glorious piece of fiction just so happened to be Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park. In short, and avid Crichton readers and fans know this, the novel was cinematic in scope, fast-paced and kept me flipping pages into the

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Dreamworks & Spielberg Want Halo? Sure. Whatever.

Another day, another Halo movie rumor. Yawn. Ever since Halo: Reach hit stores last month, the question has been raised over-and-over again: When will fans see a Halo movie hit the big screen? I like this question, but the answers that follow is the same hodgepodge of “someday” and “never” that have been burping out of Microsoft since the Peter Jackson-produced, Neill Blomkamp-directed version sent Master Chief’s trip to the cineplex to Development Hell. In fact, that’s a misstatement because

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Trailer Tuesday: Super 8

If you’ve seen Iron Man 2 in theaters, then you’ve seen the teaser trailer for the new J.J. Abrams movie, Super 8. There’s not much we can ascertain and glean from this one minute and thirty second spot, but I could give a rat’s bahookey – this is how teaser trailer’s are supposed to look. Take a peek below if you haven’t seen the trailer yet, and we’ll keep you posted on any story details, but for now all we

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