Memo to Vince Horiuchi: New Star Trek is a Good Thing

To: Vince Horiuchi, Salt Lake Tribune’s Resident “Village Vidiot” From: Andy Morgan, Inventor of Awesome Subject: Set Phasers to Dumb for Trek Vince, Vince, Vince. Sigh. Remember when you wrote this in the Salt Lake Tribune last Monday, November 16th? Director J.J. Abrams goes where no Trekkie has gone before by “re-imagining” the classic 1960s series Star Trek as a bombastic, action-packed, Star Wars-esque — and ultimately dumbed-down — movie that is anything but true Trek. The original crew of

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Star Trek Gets a Plot Hole Filled

It was decades ago– in Hollywood release schedule years– when Star Trek lens flared its way to theaters back in May. There’s no question the resuscitation attempt worked– the movie delivered fun to audiences and a whole lot of loot for Paramount. But despite the good times had with a bombastic score and the return of busty green alien chicks that would later shoot exploding arrows, one question remained: what the hell was the villain Nero doing for the 20

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Dear Shatner: Don’t Go Away Mad, Just go Away

One of the fun internet “news” stories that keeps coming up in the wake of Star Trek‘s new success is William “No, I’M Kirk!!” Shatner’s heartache at not having been cast in the reboot and his unbecoming (and overblown?) desire for insertion into future installments. I love being Shat on as much as the next guy– his self-referential Priceline Negotiator ads are humorous enough and as a personality he’s a barrel of monkeys–, but as bad as he wants to

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Star Trek Does Kinda Good

In the last Star Trek post in what’s officially been christened Star Trek Week(end), the impossible has happened. People beyond a highly protective fanbase actually cared about seeing Star Trek. Hauling in over $76 million for it’s four day opening, the Trek that went pee-pee on Rodenberry’s grave earned $25 million more than the highest grossing (adjusted for inflation, of course) Trek film, First Contact… which, incidentally, also dealt with time travel. Come to think of it, with about 1/3

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More Trek Thoughts & Links for the Weekend

Word from online ticket seller Fandango is 91 percent of online ticket sales are for “Star Trek” and 91 percent also consider themselves Trek fans. 64 percent of those surveyed also said they aren’t upset William Shatner is not in the movie. And to that I say: the bloated and old Priceline Negotiator has no place in this movie. Anyone thinking otherwise has probably never seen a movie in their life or is addicted to prescription painkillers. At any rate,

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Star Trek Review (****)

I am not a Trekkie. I have never dressed up as a Klingon or, for that matter, any member of the U.S.S. Enterprise. I think the phaser is an effeminate weapon that doesn’t come close to sheer awesomeness of the lightsaber or a blaster. Yes, Spock’s ears bug the crap out of me, as such I’ve never said “live long and prosper” and might consider socking someone in the gut who did. Furthermore, with the exception of “The Wrath of

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Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film

I saw this posted over at The Movie Blog and had to post it here, as well. It’s from The Onion which has 100 percent better news than anything blaring on the “real” news right now. Anyhow, enjoy the clip below and happy Cinco de Mayo! Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As ‘Fun, Watchable’

Want to See Some Clips and Read Somebody Else’s Star Trek Interview? Read On.

Last Friday, on KVNUs movie show, we briefly discussed this weekend’s big opener Star Trek and it’s universally glowing reviews. Promising stuff. If you’re interested in learning a little more about the writing development behind Star Trek reboot, movie website extraordinaire Ain’t It Cool News has posted an interview where Mr. Beaks (aka- one-time fellow CHUD writer Jeremy Smith– a good guy and a gooder interviewer) talks to Star Trek screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Krutzman. They discuss the weight

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