Not to be Debbie Downer, but there is no way in hell a Halo movie will ever be made. If by some miracle the new Halo trilogy – starting with the release of Halo 4 this November – overpowers the Call of Duty behemoth and the Master Chief saga finds its mojo once more, then maybe, just maybe, we might see a Halo movie in the future. But I doubt it. Microsoft and Hollywood had it’s chance when the Halo …
Tag: Peter jackson
I’m not saying The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is going to suck. I’m not. It’s impossible for me not to put my faith in Peter Jackson, who, arguably, has never made a terrible movie. From The Lord of The Rings Trilogy to King Kong to The Lovely Bones, Jackson’s resume is stellar. I trust him completely. With that out of the way, is it just me or does this poster seem really Disney-ish and Muppety? I’m all for humor, but …
Yes, I hate the fact The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is going to be in 3D, and yes, if you must know, the first teaser trailer didn’t really get my blood pumping. I know it’s Peter Jackson and I know it’s a return to Middle Earth, so how could it not be anything short of stellar, right? Still, it felt Star Wars prequel-esque to me, especially with all the goofy plastic-faced dwarves tossing plates and having a midget Mordor ho-down …
Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy is without a doubt three of my favorite movies of all-time. From the seamless and spectacular meshing of practical and CGI effects, to the breathtaking score and marvelous ensemble acting, there is really nothing I can get riled up about and criticize (except for The Return of The King’s neverending ending). You’d think with my love of the previous trilogy I’d be chomping at the bit to see Peter Jackson venture back to Middle …
MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) announced this past December that it had risen from the bankruptcy ashes and, after some other internal restructuring, the studio is moving forward with James Bond 23 and James Bond 24, as well as the long-awaited, long-planned, two-part return to Middle Earth, The Hobbit. Both franchises hit theaters in November of 2012. Sam Mendes (Away We Go) is directing the next Bond film, whereas Peter Jackson (The Lovely Bones) is directing The Hobbit. The other good news, especially for …
Another day, another Halo movie rumor. Yawn. Ever since Halo: Reach hit stores last month, the question has been raised over-and-over again: When will fans see a Halo movie hit the big screen? I like this question, but the answers that follow is the same hodgepodge of “someday” and “never” that have been burping out of Microsoft since the Peter Jackson-produced, Neill Blomkamp-directed version sent Master Chief’s trip to the cineplex to Development Hell. In fact, that’s a misstatement because …
Back in November I wrote a memo to Salt Lake Tribune columnist Vince Horiuchi and flipped him the middle finger for crapping on J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek. Much like Tyler Riggs, Mr. Horiuchi thumbed his nose at Abrams’ re-imagining and essentially said the new film spit a juicy Romulanian loogie at the “intelligent” Trek films of yore. Horiuchi was wrong back in November and he’s wrong again in April with his Viagra moment over the recently released Lord of the …
I think you’d be hard pressed to find a living, breathing soul who doesn’t have a hankering for more Lord of the Rings movie goodness. Peter Jackson’s trilogy is easily one of the greatest cinematic masterpieces of all-time. Somehow Mr. Jackson was able to sift through all the D&D nerd crap and make three films that appeased both the Tolkien fanatics and Joe Plumber. Well, folks longing for more LOTR goodness can inch that much closer to giddiness as we …