Legion Clip Contains Gun, Mace and Wing Violence

The upcoming angels and automatic weapon orgy Legion looks like an attempt at coronation as this decade’s Underworld— a geeky/goofy genre premise that takes itself deadly serious and while a little flat and overly straight-faced, has the sweet potential for guilty pleasure. Legion arrives January 22, which means all kinds of clips are coming available. Clips like this one, where Paul Bettany’s Michael goes angel-a-angel with a wing-swinging Gabriel. Like I said, goofy… but kinda cool. Geek out or roll

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Legion Unleashes Angels Right in Your Face

The Bible can be creepy. Take Revelations, with its symbolic dragons, falling stars, blood moon, apocalyptic horsemen and the “God Hates Fags” guys. There’s also the story of Jesus’ run-in with a guy who’s possessed. Jesus asks his name and the guy responds “Legion- for we are many”. Of course, Legion subsequently gets a spiritual punch in the face, hops into a bunch of pigs who then squeal/gargle their way into a Red Sea dirt nap, but that didn’t stop

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