Nightmare On Elm Street Cuts A New Trailer

If anything, the New Nightmare on Elm Street is going to be  a great looking schlock-fest. We’ve see the trailer that came out way back in September, but it wasn’t until checking out this new green band I noticed how slick the new Nightmare looks. Sure, there’s a gooey pile of shots lifted straight from the first, but this one shakes its pretty ass while doing it. Still, that’s not to say it’s going to be worth recommending. Or will

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Forget Freddy– That Dude’s Got his Nails on a Chalkboard

Back in the day, I snuck in a viewing of Nightmare on Elm Street thanks to free HBO at a hotel my family was staying at. That taught me not to be naughty– my sneaky viewing caused me a case of adolescent pants-pooping and a penchant for nightlights that I gave up only last month. The franchise ran its course and lost steam, but thanks to Platinum Dunes (Michael Bay’s little horror house) and their love for remaking iconic 80s

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