Screw You Hollywood: Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn Web Series Laments What Might Have Been

Not to be Debbie Downer, but there is no way in hell a Halo movie will ever be made. If by some miracle the new Halo trilogy – starting with the release of Halo 4 this November – overpowers the Call of Duty behemoth and the Master Chief saga finds its mojo once more, then maybe, just maybe, we might see a Halo movie in the future. But I doubt it. Microsoft and Hollywood had it’s chance when the Halo

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Dreamworks & Spielberg Want Halo? Sure. Whatever.

Another day, another Halo movie rumor. Yawn. Ever since Halo: Reach hit stores last month, the question has been raised over-and-over again: When will fans see a Halo movie hit the big screen? I like this question, but the answers that follow is the same hodgepodge of “someday” and “never” that have been burping out of Microsoft since the Peter Jackson-produced, Neill Blomkamp-directed version sent Master Chief’s trip to the cineplex to Development Hell. In fact, that’s a misstatement because

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Halo Will Never See the Big Screen

So I watched the trailer for Bungie and Microsoft Game Studios’ new first-person shooter, Halo: Reach, during the Spike Video Game Awards last Saturday. All I have to say is one word: Meh. Color me not impressed. All I saw was the same old same old. Was I supposed to have jizzed in my pants because a Spartan has a skull painted on the visor of his helmet? Honestly, unless there is a multitude of surprises – both in story

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With District 9 A Certified Success, Blomkamp Talks Sequel

It’s no secret that we here at AATM are a fans of the little indie movie that could: District 9. Box office would say we’re not the only ones, but by crap, we’ll claim it because we were there in Blomkamp’s corner from day one. While nothing’s greenlit or solidified, it’s no surprise that with an assured world-wide take of over $100 million, there’s talk of a sequel. Whether that comes about or not is Cloverfield’s guess, but Blomkamp’s been

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District 9 (***)

District 9, the first-ever feature film from director Neill Blomkamp, is stunning, powerful movie that is equal parts sci-fi, horror and drama, all wrapped into a chaotic modern-day allegory that, if consumed correctly by a savvy viewer, should not only entertain, but cause one to pause and consider how we treat our fellow human beings, especially the ones who look, talk and think differently than we do. It is without a doubt one of the best films of the year

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District 9: Believe My Hype! (?)

District 9 has been getting pimp treatment from yours truly since the dawn of AATM. I’ve always been a believer in the defunct Halo project’s hired then fired director Neill Blomkampk’s skill as storyteller/director since seeing his demo reels and the genesis short film to District 9, Alive in Joberg (see below). In fact, District 9 is probably my most anticipated film of the summer and its release, August 14, is quickly approaching.  With Comic-Con in full swing, District 9

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New District 9 Trailer Proves Film is a Must-See

I’ve seen posters and teasers for the Peter Jackson-produced and Neill Blomkamp-directed “District 9,” but until this new, longer trailer was released I had no burning desire, except for Blomkamp and Jackson’s involvement in the Halo motion picture project, to see this sci-fi flick based on Blonkamp’s short film “Alive in Joburg.” This new two minute preview paints a richer, deeper and more revealing look at what seems to be a visually stunning, tense, action-packed, intelligent film. I say this

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District 9 Trailer

A few weeks back we introduced you to District 9, a Peter Jackson produced tale based on the Neill “In your face!” Blomkamp short Alive in Joburg. The trailer for District 9 has just been released and I’ll belie my partisanship here and say it looks fantastic. While there’s going to be some comparisons made with 1988’s  Alien Nation, I get the feeling District 9 is going to be a little less crime mystery with aliens and more sociopolitical with

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