Movie Review: The Fourth Kind (C+)

I won’t lie: Back in September when I watched the trailer for The Fourth Kind (and posted it for Trailer Tuesday), my man parts shrunk and I had to do the All-Bran 10 Day Challenge just to cleanse myself from the measure of scariness the short preview walloped on my psyche. Frankly, I was a little perplexed, because I generally find the whole aliens and alien abduction conversation completely and unequivocally ridiculous. I’m sure my alien atheism probably will piss

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Trailer Tuesday: The Fourth Kind

My wife watched the trailer for The Fourth Kind with me and said, “That looks stupid.” After she left, I got on the ground and rocked back and forth in the fetal position out of sheer terror. I also went and changed into an adult diaper before I decided to watch the trailer again. I realize the prospect of aliens existing or being little green men (or owls) is remote, but still, like M. Night Shyamalan’s Signs, that doesn’t mean

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Movie Review: A Perfect Getaway: B

Each summer, studios drop a late-season, B-grade thriller into theaters in hopes of seeing it make a run at a dark horse weekend. 2005: Into the Blue and Red Eye. Last year: Death Race and Mirrors. Two of those four qualify for a the Showcase of Shame and both, incidentally, were not released in 2008. But so much for old memories. It’s summer 2009 and this year we’ve got A Perfect Getaway. Written and directed by the very capable craftsman

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A Perfect Getaway Trailer Ruins Hawaii Before God Does

It’s no secret I love Hawaii. If it was a woman, I’d marry it. A man, even. But let’s not go too far down that road, because the following trailer may have ruined all that for me. Ok, no. Every summer you’ve got a late-season junk thriller/actioner that pops up and makes a run for a dark horse weekend. Into the Blue was one such film. Red Eye was another. Last year we saw Death Race and Mirrors. Two of

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