Qui Gon Jinn P.I. – Liam Neeson Sleuths It Up in Tombstones

I would have never thought in a million years A WALK AMONG THE TOMBSTONES would be such a white-knuckled and well-acted movie. When Liam Neeson is constantly playing Your Worst Nightmare, it’s easy to dismiss this as another cha-ching in the former Jedi’s pocketbook. That’s probably due to the trailer, which isn’t very good, but the movie gets a big fat B+ from me and you can hear my review on the KVNU For the People Movie show by clicking

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New Battleship Trailer Vaults Movie from Must-Miss to Must-See

The first teaser trailer for director Peter Berg’s (Hancock, The Kingdom) Battleship debuted this past July and it was, like the concept of the movie (WTF? Now Hollywood’s basing movies off board games?), a complete traveshamockery. There were ships, Qui-Gon Jinn, the girl with giant hoots that dates that tennis player that looks Sean-William Scott, lots of ocean, lots of CGI and not a whole lot of anything juicy to make me want to fork out my hard-earned cash for

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From the Files of Suck: Behold the Battleship Trailer

It was only a matter of time before Hollywood stopped raping remaking films from the 80s and moved on to greener, more creative pastures – like board games. I guess technically Battleship isn’t a board game, but you get my drift. When Peter Berg, whom I typically hold in high esteem as a director (The Kingdom, Hancock), announced he’d be bringing “you sunk my” Battleship to the big screen, I was dumbfounded and horrified. Now, after watching the teaser trailer,

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The Hangover II Trailer is a Big Fat Teasing Trailer Tramp

We’ve known The Hangover: Part II has been heading to theaters this Memorial Day (May 26, 2011) since Todd Phillips’ The Hangover was a financial and critical success in 2009, but we haven’t, other than casting, been given much and this teaser trailer continues in the same fashion. We know the movie is set in Thailand and it appears Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms) and Alan (Zach Galifianakis) are looking for their long lost pal, Doug (Justin Bartha), yet

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Movie Review: The A-Team (A)

Every autumn for the last four years, Dan and I, along with our pal Nick, head up to Garden City, Utah – home of Utah’s Bear Lake – and spend a weekend inhaling everything and anything bad for your body, including Doritos, cinnamon rolls, bacon, M&Ms, Swedish fish, soda, Oreos, Nutter Butters, hamburgers, fries, pizza and anything else in sight that’s chocked full of sugar. This three day culinary orgy is affectionately called “Mankend” and is punctuated by an afternoon

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The A-Team Movie Review (Dan’s Take) B+

With childhood nostalgia anchored firmly in the 80s, I’m a prime target for Hollywood’s recent nostalgia sweep. Thanks to a raging ego, contrarianism and a cold black heart however, I’m a hard sell– or like to think I am. I tend to like 80s nostalgia planted firmly in the 80s- big hair, fluffy innocence, original charm and all. And while we here at AATM are never against a remake/reboot, oftentimes they’re thin rehashes that rely on name brand only and

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Clash of the Titans Movie Review (C)

Next to the Star Wars saga and the Indiana Jones films, there was no other movie I loved more in the 1980s than Clash of the Titans. After watching Perseus turn the Kraken into stone with Medusa’s severed head, I was obsessed with Greek mythology. I gobbled up any book I could find at the school library. I even dressed up as Perseus on Halloween in 1982. I was 100 percent sure the third-grade ladies would be swooning over me

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Clash of the Titans Movie Review (Dan’s Take)

First, a warning: Loaded with the stuff eyes love gnoshing, Clash of the Titans should be seen in two dimensions, not three. Filmed top to bottom for a 2D release, Clash of the Titans composition, lighting, effects and edits were created for the unaided eye. As a result, Clash of the Titans retrofitted 3D presentation is a dim, vision punishing mess of double imaging and off-kilter depth; slipshod artifacts that disrupt viewing to the point of souring it. Technological grumbling

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