Let Me in Redband Trailer is Mucho Creepy

More often than not, movie trailers are hugely deceiving. That’s why I’m a little cautious about getting worked up over Let Me In, the Matt Reeves (Cloverfield) remake of the Swedish vampire flick, Let the Right One In. Reeves has said he’s been faithful to the novel and the film, hence many wonder why a remake is even necessary or warranted. I’m a Cloverfield fan, so I’m in the game more for Reeves – to see if he has talent

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Trailer Tuesday: Let Me In

By ANDY MORGAN I finally saw Let the Right One In, the Swedish coming-of-age vampire tale, in March of 2009 after the thundering positive buzz had begun to fade, and maybe that’s why I didn’t fall in love with the movie as many before me had. There were elements of the movie I appreciated – the attention to small details, the icy, intense acting and the overall look and feel of the film, but in the final analysis there was

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Release Data-apalooza: Thor, Pirates 4 and Let Me In

With recent news that Spider-Man 4 is hitting snags to the point of missing it’s 2011 release date, Marvel’s come up with a new plan: Thor! Of course, Thor was already planning on an early “summer” debut, but this delay allows Marvel Studios and Thor distributor Paramount to move the release date up to the sweet summer kick-off spot of May 11, 2011–  betting on Sony’s inability to make Spider-Man 4 happen. In the mean time, Thor‘s vacancy then opens

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