WTF!? Snow White and The Huntsman Actually Looks Good!

When I saw the announcement for Snow White and The Huntsman and read that Kristen Stewart (The Twilight Saga) and Chris Hemsworth (Thor) were attached, I pushed it off as another attempt by a creatively bankrupt Hollywood to milk the teat of fresh faces and old stories yet again. My resistance to a live-action Snow White movie is probably Walt Disney’s fault. It’s hard to think of Snow White and not think of singing dwarfs, poison-apple-pawning grannies and the fair-skinned, cartoon princess

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Breaking Dawn Teaser Trailer Reveals Bed-Breaking Freaky Time

It’s been a year since we’ve had to commune, by choice or force, with Edward (Robert Pattinson), Bella (Kristen Stewart), Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and the whole Forks, Washington crew, including the pasty-skinned, pissy Volturi creepies from Italy, whom we’ve seen briefly in the last two films. But hold on tight, Twihards, because The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 hits theaters on November 18, 2011 and the first preview hit the web earlier in the week.  You can watch

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Kristen Stewart: ‘I Wanted to Puke Up Blood’

Entertainment Weekly has the latest compelling information about the upcoming release of the Nth edition of the Twilight series, Breaking Wind Dawn. In the expose, the actress of … one … facial expression laments the fact that Breaking Dawn had to maintain a PG-13 rating, and thus couldn’t get as graphic as the book with a highly anticipated wedding/birthing scene. “I would have loved to have been puking up blood,” Stewart told EW. If only she knew how pleasant puking

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Reneswhat?! Edward & Bella’s Spawn Now Online!

Ever wondered what Edward & Bella’s half-vampire, half-human little girl, Renesmee (WTF!), would look like? I know I sure did and now I know! Below is the first-ever image of Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy) from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2, which hits theaters on November 16, 2012. One thing is certain: Edward and Bella’s love of hanging out in flowering meadows is definitely genetic.

Breaking Dawn Image Reveals Sexytime for Ed and Bella

We are still months away from seeing any sort of teaser trailer for Bill Condon’s The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get your Twihard fix right here and now with this image of Edward and Bella doing the mattress dance in the fourth installment of the vampire-werewolf-human soap opera. I haven’t read the, ahem, novels – and you can be damn sure I never will – but from what I gather, there are some downright head-shaking, cuckoo moments

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Chloe Moretz as The Hunger Games’ Katniss is a Bad Idea

About the only thing similar actress Chloe Moretz and The Hunger Games’ fictional Katniss Everdeen have in common is both have kicked a lot of ass and both have seen a boatload of blood. I’m referring, tounge-in-cheek, to Moretz’s performances as Hit Girl in last April’s Kick-Ass, as well as her role as the blood-thirsty, yet tender-hearted, vampire in Let Me In, opening this Friday. Those are the only similarities and if the rumors of Moretz being considered for the

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It’s Official, Twihards: One Year Wait Between Breaking Dawn Part One and Two

Twilight fans have been a spoiled bunch. In less than two years they’ve enjoyed three movies – Twilight, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse – hewed from their beloved Stephanie Meyer vampire/werewolf romance series of the same name. Star Wars fans had to wait six years for three movies and even Lord of The Rings groupies had to wait three years for their saga to be completed. Well, karma has come full circle, my friends. At last

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Movie Review: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (B)

By ANDY MORGAN Making fun of Twilight fans and bemoaning Stephanie Meyer’s novels and the subsequent movies is almost as easy as drumming up sarcastic jabs about Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton or Miley Cyrus. There’s no effort required. It’s easy. And it’s also out of control. It’s almost as popular to dump on the vampire-werewolf franchise as it is all the rage to scoop up Team Jacob or Team Edward paraphernalia at Hot Topic. Every time I see a teen

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