Just how popular are The Hunger Games novels and how explosive will The Hunger Games movie be? Just ask the folks behind Wrath of the Titans, the Clash of the Titans sequel due to hit theaters the same weekend – March 23, 2012 – as Katniss and Co. Wrath of the Titans saw the formidable fan base and hysteria surrounding The Hunger Games and smartly stepped out of the way, moving its swords and sandals mythology a week later, to …
Tag: Katniss Everdeen
Fans of The Hunger Games are going cuckoo at the news that Lionsgate Studios and director Gary Ross have cast Oscar-nominee Jennifer Lawrence (Winter’s Bone) as the badass babe from District 12, Katniss Everdeen. Now, when contacted by MTV News, Lionsgate denied no such offers have been made to Ms. Lawrence, but sources say the news is reliable and the 20 year-old actress, soon to be seen as Mystique in X-Men: First Class, is the exact mix of beauty and …
Little by little The Hunger Games movie is starting to gain some speed and movement, something that has to make fans of Suzanne Collins’ novels giddy with joy. First, Gary Ross (Seabiscuit)was chosen to direct, presumably and hopefully, the first of three movies. Ross was given a budget of $60 million and stated he hopes to begin production later this Spring. Since Ross’ hiring, the movie has been confirmed to be PG-13 and recently a casting director – Debra Zane …
The Hunger Games, while not on the epic fan level as Twilight or Harry Potter, definitely has a massive fanbase and the filmmakers, specifically director Gary Ross, are not looking, despite the violence and sexuality in the young adult novels, to shaft the teenagers anxiously awaiting the film adaptation. Ross told Entertaintment Weekly the following regarding the rating of The Hunger Games movie: This book means too much to too many teenagers for it not to be PG-13. I don’t …
Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin and the Coen brothers are four names that would drive any cinema lover to the movies expecting great things. Okay, wait. I take that back. After Jonah Hex, I can’t quite put Josh Brolin in that context, but you get where I’m going – these names, when linked together, probably mean we’re going to get a picture that will be receiving Oscar nominations come January 2011. Honestly, after the first trailer for Joel and …