Juno Dream Team Back with Charlize Theron in Young Adult

Juno is easily one of my favorite movies of all-time. There are a lot of haters out there who thumb their noses and sneer at how beloved the movie is, thinking its success and accolades were nothing more than trendiness run amok, but I beg to thoroughly disagree. The foundation of Juno is heart and truth and when both those are the bedrock for comedy, the emotion of the movie is hammered home and this was easily evident in both

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The Best of The Decade: 2000 to 2009

Content has been scarce here at AATM.com since the holidays began a few weeks ago and this week has been even worse since I’ve been pounded in the soft parts with some type of godforsaken virus that has left my sinuses stuffed and inflamed, my throat sore, and given me a greasy Dirty Sanchez beard akin to something out of a Vietnam POW camp. Worst of all, being so congested makes me sound like a cross between Sylvester Stallone and

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