I wasn’t a kid in the late 1940s and early 1950s when The Lone Ranger was making waves on ABC, nor did I tune in via radio to one of the 2,956 episodes broadcast from 1933 to 1954, so it’s hard to have any nostalgia for a hero people pooping in Depends thought was the real deal. Sure he’s a cowboy and he has a cool mask, but I couldn’t even latch on with the 1981 movie, The Legend of The Lone …
Tag: Johnny Depp
I’m sorry, but for all the Tom Foolery that was Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, I can’t help but get juiced for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides for a few reasons: One, it’s freaking Pirates of the Hawaii Caribbean, folks! Two, it’s one of the only roles where I actually enjoy – strike that, laud – Johnny Depp as being a good actor. Three, two words: Penelope Cruz. Yum. And finally, it’s summer! Yep, I’m just …
Listen, I thought Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End was an overstuffed mess of a film and I might be one of a select few who actually enjoys the second movie, Dead Man’s Chest, more than it’s predecessor, The Curse of the Black Pearl. Frankly, who would have thought a theme park ride, albeit one of my favorites, could spawn three fairly decent movies? Not me. As a side note, I also think Johnny Depp, like his pal Tim Burton, …
I was on my way to screening Alice in Wonderland last night when I was suckerpunched by a gutbusting flurry of antibiotic side effects. I won’t go into unflattering and gory details, but attending a two-hour movie wouldn’t have been a pleasant experience for me or anyone in my row. Still, despite genuine interest in Burton’s revisionist take on the curiously adored Lewis Carol classic, I have a feeling I know what I missed. Not that I was going in …
I’ve opined many times on this very website about how I think 3-D was, is and will always be gimmicky, irrelevant and 100 percent lame. I have yet to see a movie, including last year’s darlings, Avatar and Up, where the three-dimensional technology enhanced the experience and story, making the feature unequivocally better. I can also say without hesitation there is no soon or yet to be movie that has piqued my interest because it will feature 3-D. I hate …
Early word on Alice in Wonderland is that it’s wretched. Not that early buzz matters when pressed up against the hairy-chested brawn of studio marketing and Johnny “loved by all” Depp– (doing his best impression of Elijah Wood). To celebrate, Obsessed with film rolls out the Alice In Wonderland red carpet with an interesting take on Johnny Depp and what he’s become “at the hands of Tim Burton”. In the last five years, Depp has made the following films: Charlie …
I just finished reading Michael Crichton’s Pirate Latitudes, so despite Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End sucking three levels of Davy Jone’s squidbeard, I’m a little jazzed for a new pirates movie. Now the only question is will it be Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, due to hit theaters in May 2011, or the aforementioned Pirate Latitudes, coming to cinemas via Steven Spielberg and David Koepp, that I see first. I’m guessing it will be On Stranger …
One movie I’m looking forward to this summer is Michael Mann’s “Public Enemies,” starring Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Marion Cotillar. I understand there is some trepidation from Mann fans given the director’s last outing was the not-so-great “Miami Vice.” I have a hard time believing Michael Mann is capable of dropping two consecutive cinematic bombs, and based on what I’ve seen from the “Public Enemies” trailer, it’s going to be chock full of gangstery goodness. Shown above are three …