Sharks + Bikinis = Awesomeness

There really haven’t been any breathtaking, blow-your-mind, first-class shark movies since Jaws in 1977 and I highly doubt Shark Night 3D, due in theaters on September 2, 2011, will change that fact. Still, sharks are awesome and so are bikinis, and by the looks of it, this movie has both. Shark Night 3D is directed by David R. Ellis (Snakes on a Plane) and stars Sara Paxton (Last House on the Left), Dustin Milligan (Slither), Chris Carmack (The O.C.), Joel

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I Heart Dinosaurs, but Jurassic Park 4 is a Bad Idea

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, when I was a senior in high school, I read a book for the first time in years (without being forced – and even then I slurped up the Cliff’s Notes) and that glorious piece of fiction just so happened to be Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park. In short, and avid Crichton readers and fans know this, the novel was cinematic in scope, fast-paced and kept me flipping pages into the

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Halloween 101: Ten Disturbing Movie Deaths

In Utah, Halloween isn’t simply a dress-up day where one freezes his grapes off while trekking the kiddies through the darkened neighborhood wastelands, searching for a fun-sized Snickers or Twix, instead finding cold porches and lonely Jack-O-Lanterns (apparently everyone else is trunk-or-treating – LAME). No, it’s a time where we like to reflect on the scariest elements and goodies our friends in Hollywood have offered us over the years. Today’s topic? Ten Disturbing Movie Deaths. As tens of thousands of

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