Star Wars Nerds Having Blu-gasms Over Boxed Set Talk

As much as I give the middle finger to the much-maligned Star Wars prequels, I won’t deny a soft spot in my heart for the universe George Lucas spawned in 1977. Despite Lucas’ best attempts, no amount of Jar Jar Binks silliness, wooden acting and Saturday Morning CGI could keep me from loving the original trilogy, specifically A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. This adoration for the galaxy far, far away is why I promise you I will

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Breaking News: George Lucas Announces Star Wars Prequel Prequel

Speaking from the Lucasfilm Limited headquarters in the Presidio of San Francisco, George Lucas announced today plans to start production on three new prequels for the Star Wars franchise. “These are prequel prequels,” said Lucas, “and they take place nearly 100 years before the events in The Phantom Menace.” Lucas explained he had been working on the scripts for the three new movies for the last two years, but the “ideas and inspiration have always been in my brain since

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There Will Be Another Star Wars Trilogy

I realize we’ve seen The Clone Wars animated movie and The Clone Wars animated television series since the release of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith in 2005, but anyone who thinks ROTS was the last live-action Star Wars movie is smoking crack. I’ve been saying this since 2005 and even Roger Ebert agreed with me back then, saying in his review of Sith – Although Lucas has absolutely said he is finished with the series, it is

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Another Indiana Jones Movie in the Works

This is such a non-story I almost didn’t publish this post, but hey, who doesn’t love Indiana Jones, right? Even after George Lucas and Steven Spielberg took a big dump on the Indy franchise with Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I still get a little giddy when thinking of more Indy adventures. So, here is exactly what Harrison Ford said about the likelihood of Indiana Jones V: The story for the new Indiana Jones is in

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Star Wars: The Old Republic = FU George Lucas

I despise George Lucas as much as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader despises Obi-Wan Kenobi for causing him to have a crispy fried lava crotch in “Revenge of the Sith.” No amount of Viagra or cybernetic devices can ever take the depression of destroyed loins away. And as we know, depression hurts everybody. Hence Vader’s choking of minions, and his eventual killings of Kenobi and Palpetine. But I digress. Let’s get back to George. Here’s my beef: The Prequels are crap. I

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