Behold Bella’s Redeye! Breaking Dawn Part 2 Trailer Teases Final Flick!

A new trailer for the second installment of Breaking Dawn hit the web this week and, because I had forgot the Twilight Saga even existed, it reminded me that The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 is five months away from premiering in multiplexes across the country and that means the cash train of teenage (and cougar) squeals and lust is about to come to a screeching halt. Obviously there will be a DVD/Blu-ray release and the subsequent boxed set of goodies and extras,

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Twilight Prom Dress Unmitigated Proof the Apocalypse is Nigh

Listen, I’m no bully. I’m a nice guy. I love pretty much everyone (except for guys the farmer blow in the gym showers and the old grandpas at the gym who give me a hearty dose of Lord Sauron’s redeye whilst bending over two inches from my face as I tie my shoes). I would never bully a grandma riding the bus, or leave YouTube comments telling people to go kill themselves. Never ever. But in the case of this

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Breaking Dawn Full Length Trailer Breaks the Bed and my Loins

I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m all Twilighted out. I’m Twi-numb. Is anyone even excited for this movie in November, or has the nearly 16 months between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn – Part 1 caused even the most crazy of Twihards to lose a little interest? People were talking about and buzzing about the last cinematic chapter in the Harry Potter franchise for months and months, but I’m hearing hardly any fervor from the masses of Team Jacob

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Reneswhat?! Edward & Bella’s Spawn Now Online!

Ever wondered what Edward & Bella’s half-vampire, half-human little girl, Renesmee (WTF!), would look like? I know I sure did and now I know! Below is the first-ever image of Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy) from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2, which hits theaters on November 16, 2012. One thing is certain: Edward and Bella’s love of hanging out in flowering meadows is definitely genetic.

Breaking Dawn Image Reveals Sexytime for Ed and Bella

We are still months away from seeing any sort of teaser trailer for Bill Condon’s The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get your Twihard fix right here and now with this image of Edward and Bella doing the mattress dance in the fourth installment of the vampire-werewolf-human soap opera. I haven’t read the, ahem, novels – and you can be damn sure I never will – but from what I gather, there are some downright head-shaking, cuckoo moments

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MTV Movie Awards Exclusive Twilight Eclipse Clip

If you missed the MTV Movie Awards yesterday, then you definitely missed this exclusive Eclipse clip (say that 10 times fast) and that means you also missed some serious Edward/Jacob tension. I’m not a Twilight fan, but The Twilight Saga: Eclipse might be the best film of the soon-to-be quintology. Click here to see the clip, or click the article headline above.

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