Andy and Dan’s Star Wars Adventure

JibJab is celebrating the 30th anniversary of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back by letting you cut and paste your mug into one of their silly “starring you” shenanigans. I have a fondness for JibJab dating back to the 2004 presidential election and their popular “This Land” musical take on John Kerry and George W. Bush’s fight for the White House. At any rate, I slapped myself in as Lando, Dan as Han and brought some supporting cast in to

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Happy Birthday to Us!

593 posts, 1,905 comments and 80,698 visitors and AATM is one year old. I’m not sure what that means aside from an abnormal obsession with all things movies, lots of not-so-free-time watching trailers, reading articles, gossip, rumors and a weekly trip to Salt Lake City to catch one or two flicks, and a sincere jolt of adrenalin that comes from debating the hell out of things like Twilight, The Halo Movie and how 3-D sucks crotch. A few acknowledgements are

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Dan Vinton BARELY edges Aaron Peck in 2010 KVNU Oscar Smackdown

Judge’s Note: There was some controversy this morning as a result of Dan Vinton selecting Colin Firth as a nominee for actor in a leading role, but labeling him as being in “A Single Man.” Because Colin Firth did not star in both films, it was clear to the judge, upon a second review of the results, what Dan Vinton meant. It is no more fair to let someone lose on a small mistake like that than to let someone

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Trailer Tuesday (Dan’s Pick): Salt

Angelina Jolie has found her niche: a face-punching, trigger-pulling, boot-in-the-pruney heroin”e” who could use a few calories. As the title character of Evelyn Salt in next year’s Salt— a spy thriller about a CIA agent who may or may not be a Russian spy with an agenda to permanently shorten a US President’s term– Jolie shouldn’t disappoint. The real draw here, however, isn’t Jolie– it’s the return of director Phillip Noyce to the political/espionage/action game. If the name Phillip Noyce

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