Robb Stark and Eggsy kick BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY to the curb.
Tag: Bryce Dallas Howard
This week I went and stayed at my Aunt Kathy’s for three days and we went and saw The Help. This hands down is the best movie this year. Emma Stone (Easy A) brings to life the journalist Eugenia Skeeter. Skeeter is a funny, sweet girl who wants to be a famous writer. When she gets a job at a local newspaper she is assigned to write a question and answer column for the help. She has no idea how to …
By ANDY MORGAN Making fun of Twilight fans and bemoaning Stephanie Meyer’s novels and the subsequent movies is almost as easy as drumming up sarcastic jabs about Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton or Miley Cyrus. There’s no effort required. It’s easy. And it’s also out of control. It’s almost as popular to dump on the vampire-werewolf franchise as it is all the rage to scoop up Team Jacob or Team Edward paraphernalia at Hot Topic. Every time I see a teen …
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse got a brand new trailer today – unveiled on Oprah – and while there isn’t any “I’ll fight for you until your heart stops beating” lines of love from six-packed lycans, there are certainly enough WTF moments to cause the Twitarded folks to scratch their heads and drool, which means there is enough nerd candy for the Twihards to suck on until June 30. I count myself, luckily, as Twilight illiterate, so I honestly had no …
Not only is Clint Eastwood a superb director, but he is a hard worker. Seriously, the guy has been going non-stop with award-winning films since 2003 and Mystic River, which, I should add, he followed-up with Million Dollar Baby, Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Changeling, Gran Torino, Invictus and, due in 2010, Hereafter. With the exception of Hereafter, I dare you to argue that any one of those movies isn’t nothing short of stellar. You can’t. And …