I’ve been giddy as a schoolgirl for this summer’s MAN OF STEEL ever since the teaser trailer debuted last summer in front of Christopher Nolan’s THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. It was bittersweet to know THE DARK KNIGHT Trilogy was finished and we’d never see Christian Bale don the cape and cowl again, but the promise of something else spectacular and tantalizing has been wonderful. I know they’re just trailers and high hopes can be easily crushed with some deceptive marketing for a …
Tag: Amy Adams
Manohmanohman. So here it is. Our first image from Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel movie, the Superman reboot due in theaters on June 14, 2013, and I’m split between rolling my eyes at Henry Cavill (The Immortals) and his Kryptonian Mitt Romney hairdo, as well as his Superman suit, which looks more like something out of Joel Schumacher’s book of horrors than it does from Christopher Nolan’s book of everything-I-touch-turns-to-gold. However, with that said, I suppose that is the exact …
So you know how everybody was pooping there pants over how the new Superman movie Man of Steel was going to come out next year in December? Well bring out the tissues because they decided to postpone it for six months. I know it’s pathetic and I’m pretty sure they will come out with some explanation why, but I already put it on my calendar in pen. How am I supposed to get that out? Huh Hollywood? Even if I scratch …
Ever since Zack Snyder was announced as the director for the forthcoming Christopher Nolan-produced Superman re-boot, titled Superman: Man of Steel, I’ve been hearing rumblings about General Zod being the main foe for Supes in this big-screen outing. As you probably know, General Zod was last seen in Superman II, opposite Christopher Reeve and Margo Kidder. He was played in that 1980 sequel by Terrance Stamp (Wanted). Early rumblings had Viggo Mortenson (The Road) tabbed as the frontrunner for Zod, …
Okay, so I know this is reeeaaaaaaaalllllly old news, but I just have to post this as my way of acknowledging publicly to Zack Snyder and those involved with Superman: Man of Steel that I heartily approve of their casting choices thus far. In case you missed the news earlier this year, little-know Brit, Henry Cavill, is playing Clark Kent/Superman, and Kevin Costner and Diane Lane are Pa and Ma Kent, Supes’ adopted Earth parents. Now, as of last week, the part …
Well, this is akwaaaaaaard. Here I went on and on about never missing a Trailer Tuesday and now I’ve missed (GULP!) two! Things have been super slow at Andy at The Movies.com, but I promise it’s only because I’ve been training for a marathon, which, I’m happy as hell to say, is now over. It was my fourth marathon and probably the hardest. Every single muscle below my junk hurts in the most horrendous way. But you didn’t come to …
Amy Adams’ (Julie & Julia) new movie, Leap Year, wasn’t even on my radar until I caught the preview while watching Nothing But Trailers on HDNet while I was languishing at home with some sort of Satanic flu-cold-sinus disease that thoroughly jacked up my post-holiday vacation. Honestly, even after watching the trailer it still wasn’t on my movies-to-see list and I figured it was coming out in February. It looked like that kind of movie. I don’t remember much after …
I’ve been to New York City twice in my 35 years, once for business and then again last November to run the 2008 ING New York City Marathon. Both trips to the city did nothing but foster my fondness and awe for The City that Never Sleeps. From running through Brooklyn and Queens on a crisp autumn morning with 50,000 other runners, to looking down from the Empire State Building at the sea of stars that is Manhattan, to eating …