Trailer Tuesday: New Tron: Legacy Trailer!

I fell asleep about 15 minutes into Tron, the 1982 DayGlo sci-fi adventure starring Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner, so about the only handshake I have with the movie is countless quarters wasted on the arcade game of the same name. When a sequel was announced – this December’s Tron: Legacy – I yawned and gave 3D another fierce shake of the fist. To this date I have seen nothing, story-wise or visual elements, that has pulled me from the

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Trailer Tuesday: Drive Angry 3D

Ugh, I can’t decide which has me more riled up – the actual contents of this trailer, Nicholas Cage’s craptastic and heavily hairplugged acting, or the fact this surefire box office bomb is suckling at the shriveled old 3D teat. Seriously! Will someone please set fire to every pair of 3D glasses and smack some sense into an obviously cash-strapped Nicholas Cage? I’d rather watch a weeklong marathon of The Nanny than have to sit through something as equally, if

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Sexy Tron Poster Makes Me Want to Actually See Tron

Tron: Legacy is a movie I have zero interest in seeing this holiday season. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jeff Bridges and I enjoy a fanciful romp through video game land as much as the next guy, but I fell asleep during the 1982 version and I’m anticipating I’ll do the same in 2010, especially with the craptastic 3D shoveled down my throat like some rancid cherry-on-top surprise. However, with that said, this poster, released to the people of

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James Cameron Should Shut His Piehole

By ANDY MORGAN I’m sure you’ve heard the brouhaha James Grumpypants Cameron started last week by dropping a Cleveland Steamer on the recently released Piranha 3D, whereupon one of the movie’s producers, Mark Canton, responded in kind today with a longwinded email that was equally douchetastic as Cameron’s verbal napalm in his interview with Vanity Fair. And while I’m not impressed with either man’s behavior, I’m going to single out James Cameron because he was the instigator. All of those

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Summer will End on a High Note with Piranha 3D

There’s a new poster out for Piranha 3D and the sheer silliness of the artwork makes me giddy for August 20th, and, ironically, the 3D format. Batshit crazy fish with razor sharp teeth jumping off the screen and in my face is what 3D was made for and belays the gimmicky foundation of the technology. I’m excited for this movie and I think the movie should be a nice capstone to the so-so summer of 2010. Check out the full-sized

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Francis Ford Coppola’s Beard Also Hates 3D

I hate 3D. Dan hates 3D. Roger Ebert hates 3D. Francis Ford Coppola hates 3D, and now, in a show of solidarity, Francis Ford Coppola’s beard hates 3D. You hear that Hollywood?! Keep your damn 3D glasses! This ain’t the 1950s! Well, unless you count the culture of fear spread like putrid mayonnaise across the minds of Americans by the TV and radio political pundits and the government…but that’s another story! Long live Planet Beardatron!

Just in Time for the Apocalypse: Men in Black III coming in 2012 in 3D

The Mayans and Roland Emmerich think the world is going to blow up in 2012 and they might be right, but I’m hoping it goes down the pooper sooner, because Mother Earth exploding might be the only way to halt Hollywood’s dog-in-heat leg humping of 3D. It was announced today the Men in Black franchise is return for a third outing, this time in 3D. It’s tentatively set for a May 25, 2012 release date. And, surprise, the film will

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Clash of the Titans Movie Review (C)

Next to the Star Wars saga and the Indiana Jones films, there was no other movie I loved more in the 1980s than Clash of the Titans. After watching Perseus turn the Kraken into stone with Medusa’s severed head, I was obsessed with Greek mythology. I gobbled up any book I could find at the school library. I even dressed up as Perseus on Halloween in 1982. I was 100 percent sure the third-grade ladies would be swooning over me

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