It was only a matter of time before Redbox introduced Blu-ray DVDs into their self-serve kiosks, and in all actuality one could argue Redbox is late to the game. I am a loyal Netflix member and their large selection of Blu-ray releases is the main reason. Still, $1.50 a night for a Blu-ray isn’t a bad deal and depending on future selection (see below), I might end up giving Netflix a nice pruneslam, especially where they have rejected me as an affiliate in Linkshare and Google’s Affiliate Network, with no justification or answer to my cries of “WTF?”.
At any rate, Redbox’s official announcement was last Friday, July 30, and a Blu-ray Disc Availability page was up shortly thereafter. A quick search of zipcode 84321 shows 14 Blu-ray locations in Cache Valley. I decided to check it out for myself and investigated the Redbox at 7-11 at the corner of Main Street and 1400 North. Surprise, surprise, the location did in fact have Blu-ray discs and I’m taking home The Book of Eli tonight in vending-dispensed hi-def to cap the whole experience.
Bottom line: Depending on future titles, this might trump my use of Netflix, especially if I’m super-prompt in watching the movies the day I rent them, which, I won’t lie, is usually not the case. Just at Netflix. I had Flame and Citron for five months before I finally watched it and sent it back for The White Ribbon, which I’ll probably have until Christmas.
For a list of all Cache Valley locations, click this link. As always, your opinions are welcome.
4 comments On Redbox Going Blu for $1.50 a Day
I hit up the local Redbox and rented Blu for only got 1.00 day. It was a cheapskate’s dream come true.
Redbox has had Blu-ray for a long time…..
Redbox announced it on July 29, Fuckass. Your wrong.
Not sure who Derek is..but he’s alright in my book.
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