Apparently the folks in Salt Lake City have DEMANDED that Paranormal Activity bring it’s chills and thrills to their town, because the movie, which Roger Ebert calls “an ingenious horror film…so well made it’s truly scary,” hits the Megaplex 12 at The Gateway and the Megaplex 17 at the Jordan Commons this weekend. My guess is Logan could see this movie in the next few weeks, as Paranormal Activity is becoming quite the cash cow via the buzz it’s generating through social media marketing. As of this writing, the movie has earned over $400,000 in a measly 158 theaters.
Is this something you’re willing to pilgrimage to Salt Lake City to see, or is this something you can wait to come to The Theater That Shall Not Be Named? And really, is this a movie you’d even be interested in watching? Please, check the trailer below and then let us know your thoughts.
2 comments On Paranormal Activity Now Playing in Salt Lake City
I wish I could say this movie scared my pants off, but alas. I found it to be only kinda-sorta creepy.
freeeeaaakyyyy. ahahahahahhhhhhhh
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