If you have any memory of the 80’s, you’ll remember NBC’s lizards-disguised-as-humans-have-come-to-enslave-the-planet TV mini-series: V. A high-production sci-fi adventure allegory min-series that spawned Independence Day’s massive spaceship hovering over cities imagery, V had most boys forgetting about Star Wars for a while and peeling silly putty off their faces, making “Wsssshhh-Zew” laser sounds and not even thinking twice about abberant behavior with a hot lizard.
V remains surprisingly solid on revisit some 26 years later, but has always been a great candidate for updating. Apparently, the ABC network agreed wholeheartedly and has rebooted V with an upcoming series this fall. The trailer below has me all kinds of pleasantly surprised and really looking forward to it. V 2009 looks to be taking modern themes (the old V was an allegory for Nazis and victory in WW II) like religion and blind devotion, change and hope and putting some pretty interesting twists on them. Still, it looks like they’re leaving losts of room open for tearing off skin to reveal lizards underneath– and that’s always awesome.
7 comments On Not a Movie, but Awesome Anyway
I used to love that show. I remember being freaked out by the aliens eating mice and having dreams where I was one of the heroes of the resistance.
I’ve been meaning to try to rewatch the show (is the whole thing even available on DVD or just select parts?) and am somewhat optimistic about the idea of a reboot.
Amen, brother.
V: The Original Mini-Series, V: The Final battle and the weak V: The TV Series are all available on DVD. I know Netflix has them and, at one point, so did Hollywood video.
Ohhhh cool! I loved this mini-series! It will be fun to see if they can keep to the original plot and not make it lame!!!
I loved “V: The Original Mini-Series” and thought Marc Singer was the straight up shiz niz. As soon as “Beastmaster” comes to Bluray, it’s mine!
Beastmaster was nifty, tanya whatshername made me wanna touch my naughty..
That trailer looked great. Definitely will be a show I DVR.
I loved “V: The Original Mini-Series” and thought Marc Singer was the straight up shiz niz. As soon as “Beastmaster” comes to Bluray, it's mine!
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