The Goods: Live hard. Sell hard. is living it up trailer style. Produced by Will Ferrell, which means, well, not much really, the trailer had me in the first 20 seconds and then lost me the rest of the way. While Jeremy Piven is a fish avoiding excusathon, he delivers the pithy funny every time. Except maybe this one.
The trailer is red band, which means it has words that will make your mamma wash your mouth out with soap, lose your job if overheard and/or make James Brolin spit food out.
4 comments On Movie With Long Name Gets Marginal Trailer
Okay, Danielson, I laughed from start to finish in that trailer. That looks fantastic.
At the beat up the japanese guy gag? call the other dealer? Blah. It had enough laughs to give it the benefit of the doubt, but I have my doubts, sir!
Yeah, I laughed at all that. Lots of familiar faces in that movie. I’ve put that on my list, even thought I think Piven comes across as a douche all the time, every time.
Yeah, I laughed at all that. Lots of familiar faces in that movie. I've put that on my list, even thought I think Piven comes across as a douche all the time, every time.
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