Listen, I think Mariah Carey did a wonderful job in Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire. As a mustachioed social worker who doesn’t believe in make-up or showering, it was convincing and nothing short of strong. It reminded me of Cameron Diaz in Being John Malkovich and Charlize Theron in Monster. And frankly, if it wasn’t for Mo’Nique and Paula Patton’s performances, she might be getting a bit more award consideration in the supporting actress column.
But, BUT, BUT, even so, Mariah Carey is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
Check out this clip of her accepting the award for Breakthrough Actress at the Palm Springs International Film Festival on January 5th. Somebody named Mimi socked back one too many cocktails before her award was announced, that’s for sure. On one hand, I kind of frown and think, “Well, that’s Mariah Carey the diva for you,” but on the other, I kind of giggle when she’s up there buzzed out of her mind, because anyone who has ever been drunk knows how Mariah Carey is feeling up on stage. Something like: Words. Hard. To. Formulate. Can’t. Stop. Smiling. Can’t. Stop. Giggling.
Of course, the fun ended when she hopped into the limo after the awards and snorted coke with her groupies and then joined Nick Cannon back at the hotel for a sweaty, godless Hollywood orgy. Because, as you know, that’s how all those Tinsletown a-holes operate.
Oh, I kid. I love Mariah Carey. Check out the clip below.
4 comments On Mariah Carey is Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
I couldnt even get through it, it was so uncomfortable..
Do you think between takes on the set of Precious, when Nick Cannon would feed Mimi candy and pamper her with tantilizing sweet nothings about Hello Kitty, that she would kiss him and he'd think, “SO THIS is what it's like to lock lips with Lando Calrissian?”
Me neither Danny. God, she loves herself. Put her up against a wall and shoot her……..
This woman is a waste. She also has put on a lot of weight. Not saying that makes her a waste but taken together, I can't stand Mariah Carey. I hate how she acts like she's earned something. A semi-retarded person could have performed just as admirably in that role.
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