Lindsay Lohan. Sigh. What a train wreck. She started off so promising in Freaky Friday and Mean Girls, but now she’s the epitome of tabloid gossip and fodder for ridicule and mockery in every avenue of the media. And while celebrities can’t necessarily stop the paparazzi from hounding them, they certainly can avoid any bad behavior that acts as blood in the water for the camera-toting sharks. Lohan’s drug and alcohol issues, arrests, car wrecks and all the issues with her parents and her love life certainly don’t help paint her in a sympathetic light.
Now we learn Lohan will play 70s oral sex artist – the star of the porno movie Deep Throat – Linda Lovelace. For the casting of said sex siren, I’m almost 100 percent certain the filmmakers had a powwow and asked two questions: Who can we get that is cheap and who is the ickiest female actress in Hollywood? Then they flipped a coin between Lohan and Courtney Love and tails won.
Listen, we know Lindsay can act, she’s shown us that in the past, so if the movie is going to be an powerful introspective piece on a curious character in recent history, I’m all for it. But if this is some exploitation film meant to be nothing more than titular, I think Lohan’s sensationalized life will have a head on collision with the movie, ironically titled Inferno, and all that will remain are the already smoldering remains of her career.
4 comments On Lindsay Lohan Playing Deep Throat Star Linda Lovelace. Figures.
Yeah, this news surprised… no one.
“Oh, Lohan’s going to the chick that made sword swallowing look amateur? Wow, what took her so long?”
Of course this will all change when she wins an Oscar and we’re like, “We always knew she’d make it big!” Hollywood loves a comeback.
I can’t stand Lindsay! So all I can say is she better do a fabulous job in order for me to enjoy the movie.
She’s really gone down hill since “Mean Girls” in 2004. I think she has/had loads of talent. If she could reel herself in and become more private, she could stage a Robert Downey Jr. type of comeback. However, I think Lindsay likes the fruits of her labors more than she does the actual labor and that’s why she’s in the predicament she is now.
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