The Hunger Games, while not on the epic fan level as Twilight or Harry Potter, definitely has a massive fanbase and the filmmakers, specifically director Gary Ross, are not looking, despite the violence and sexuality in the young adult novels, to shaft the teenagers anxiously awaiting the film adaptation. Ross told Entertaintment Weekly the following regarding the rating of The Hunger Games movie:
This book means too much to too many teenagers for it not to be PG-13. I don’t need to have a huge budget or make this movie incredibly bloody in order for it to be just as compelling, just as scary, and just as riveting.
In other Hunger Games news, a casting rumor is floating around the web universe and it’s one I am crossing my fingers is true. Cinematical and ScreenRant have both done stories about True Grit star, Hailee Steinfeld, as a candidate for the role of 16 year-old bad ass, Katniss Everdeen. Time will tell if this has any truth, but anyone who watched Steinfeld in True Grit knows she has the acting chops and the vim and vigor to nail this role with gusto.
See the picture of Hailee Steinfeld below. Could this be Katniss Everdeen, or is there someone else who better fits the bill?
26 comments On Hunger Games PG-13 and Steinfeld a Possible Katniss
I think she would do great. She is a good little actress. Not how I envisioned her at all– but I think I will live:)
She’s too young. I can’t see her in the romantic parts. Just becuase Katniss is young doesn’t mean she looks it. She’s had a hard life. They need somebody older.
@Megan, I agree. They need someone a little older and a little less well known. She’s fairly unknown but not enough.
I agree, too, she looks tooo young and i rather not have her as Katniss. Kaya Scodelario should really be Katniss and Alex Pettyfer as Peeta :)
i totally agree, Kaya is perfect and Alex would be an amazing as Peeta. and they would really look good together
i love love love ale but hes WAY TO OLD!!!! hes like twenty and petta needs to be a teenager!!! i think she would be great as katniss she is only suppose to be 16 for gods sake.
i acsedently wrote ale i meant alex i cant spell and im workin on spelling. sorry.
You come off a bit hypocrtical in how your main mark against Chloe was that she was an up and coming star, and Hunger Games needs fresh faces; but isn’t Hailee now in the same boat, riding the wave of hype as an ‘up and coming star’. True, Hailee looks more like Katniss, and may be the better choice (personally I think Chloe’s the better actress, and the complexity of Katniss deserves the best actress to play her, regardless) but just thought I’d point out the hypocracy here.
I disagree, Cam. For two reasons: Chloe Moretz is way more established and she doesn’t quite fit the bill in both looks and age. I have nothing against her, because I enjoy her in other movies, but I just don’t think she fits for Katniss. As for Hailee Steinfeld, she really has no resume other than her work in True Grit. That makes her a perfect candidate. Not a complete unknown, but also not an established star.
P.S. Chloe Moretz would be a horrible Katniss! I’m sure she is a nice girl but she is not cute enough! Sorry!
I know Chloe played a big bad killer, and she did a great job, but she looks to young and “tiny”. They need someone a little harder and bigger. I can’t believe I am worried about this:)
do none of yall remember katniss was supose to be very skinny and small it was her smallness that kept her alive so many times.
Andy I hope you are right I read the series and saw True Grit and she’ NAIL IT!
Malese Jow is going to get the roll.
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She would be absolutely perfect! Katniss is such a strong character. You need someone who can pull off the strength yet emotional vulnerability that is Katniss. Haille can do this with a look yet alone acting. You need a real actor, and she is it. I think she will carry the movie with grace and character. Katniss means too much to fans of the series to trust her to just anyone. Oh, and she is not too young at all. Once they start filming she’ll be closer to 16 than 15 and she will grow w/ the series if they continue to do the books. She is a young girl in panem not here where girls who are 16 look 24 or at least try to. I will wait anxiously to find out if she gets the role. I truly hope she does.
I agree with you. I just became aware of Hailee Steinfeld in True Grit and was really impressed. You make a good point- a 16 year old girl in any other time would look younger! I think she would be awesome- I’m a 47 year old 5th grade teacher who LOVED the books along with my 14 year old daughter. The makers of this film better do justice to this book or we’ll all be seriously tweaked!
After seeing True Grit, I would agree that she would be great as Katniss. Pretty, yet understated.
I think she would be great! She is the first person that has the actual face I thought of while reading the book. Freak either way I am way excited for this movie!
Malese will be Katniss.
i think she is perfect. Katniss isn’t supposed to look too old, and they can probably do something to make her look older if they needed too.
I thing Hailee would be a perfect Katniss if it werent for her age :( I absolutely loved her and her acting in true grit and she would be great. I think alex pettyfer would be PERFECT for peeta. He fits the physical decription and hes cute! hes only 20 years old, too, so he could pass for a teenager. Maiara Walsh would be a good candidate for katniss also.
I agree with the people who disagree. Lily Collins would make a good Katniss, and Alex Pettyfer (???) would make a good Peeta. This is going to an awesome movie!!! Let’s hope they don’t screw it up!!!!
I agree that Hailee or Kaya Scodelario would be great as Katniss. Oher than that, noone fits the bill. I personally have no on cmera acting experience…i know, boo. However I am locally known in community theatre shows and do have quite a bit of acting and singing experience. I am 14…too young, crap. However I could pass for Katniss’ age, and am looking for an agent currently. I sent my headhsot and resme to Debra Zane (casting director) today, and am crossing my fingers! I wish I could attatch a picture here so you guys could give me feedback, I would love it!
i want alex pettyfer as peeta & hes 20…so they cant have a 14 year old katniss lmao even tho i love hailee they cant!!
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