I have made no secret of my love for Roger Ebert and his writing. Notice I didn’t say movie reviews or critiques. Mr. Ebert and I don’t always see eye-to-eye, but his reviews are always a pleasure to read. He is articulate, funny and knows his stuff. Even with all his health problems, he is sharp and upbeat and flowing with life. I was reading his review of Hot Tub Time Machine when I came across this gem of a paragraph:
I can’t be sure, but I think the density of the f-word reaches the saturation point in “Hot Tub Time Machine.” I may have heard it employed as three different parts of speech in the same sentence. One wonders if American-spoken English could survive without it. What did we say in the old days? It must have been a quiet land.
“It must have been a quiet land.” Classic.
At any rate, having seen Hot Tub Time Machine, I wondered how many f-words the movie had in its quiver of vulgarity. Maybe I’m desensitized, but I didn’t think it was chock full of fudge like Ebert did. And I was right – according to KidsinMind.com, it has 191 f-words. That doesn’t even come close some well-known movies that have double the f-bombs. Check the f**k count out for these flicks below:
Summer of Sam (Spike Lee, 1999) – 435
Casino (Martin Scorsese, 1995) – 422
Alpha Dog (Nick Cassavetes, 2007) – 367
Running Scared (Wayne Kramer, 2007) – 315
Goodfellas (Scorsese, 1990) – 300
Narc (Joe Carnahan, 2002) – 297
Jarhead (Sam Mendes, 2005) – 278
The Departed (Scorsese, 2006) – 277
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino, 1994) – 265
The Big Lebowski (Joel & Ethan Coen, 1998) – 260
Does this mean anything? Does it matter? Who knows. It is interesting to note that more than two uses of the f-word will generally earn a picture an R rating. What’s the difference between one or two and 10, or 50 or 435? For morality, I’m not sure there is a difference, but for taste, probably.
One thing is certain: The f-word is injected into our culture on every level and is more acceptable nowadays than in times past. Another thing is clearly evident: Martin Scorsese sure does love him some f**k word.
6 comments On Hot Tub Time Machine Filled to the Brim with F**k?
f*cking awesome. there is no way this movie was good. seriously.
No, it really was. Ask Tyler.
I’ll second that.
I loved the movie. LOVED it. It had me laughing literally from the opening credits to the very end. At some points the laughs were gut busting. What more could you want out of a comedy? This isn’t Academy Award winning cinema, but it’s not supposed to be. It’s a release, and a very successful one at that.
What I meant to say was, f*ck you Jess for doubting the power of a squirrel and a can of chernoble.
Industry geek stuff about Hot Tub Time Machine:
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