I missed out on the whole Fame fever thing when it debuted in 1980 and second-debuted in 1982 with a five-year run on TV . I just couldn’t get behind all that random singing and dancing and random toe-touching jump splits of joy. Lame.
28 years later, Fame’s done got itself a remake releasing too soon. Yes, Fame is going to live forever.
Who knows if the toe-touching jump splits of joy are gone, but you can bet your booty there’s going to be plenty of singing and dancing. If Fame’s updated dancing involves gid-inducing B-Boy stuff like this alternate poster, I might reconsider my 28-year boycott, despite a theme song that will never, ever leave your head and a logo that still makes me want to down eight icy ounces of Coca Cola.
Behold one of Fame’s new alternate one sheets. The one that doesn’t look like American Idol.
10 comments On Fame! It’s Gonna Live Forever. And Ever.
I once did 28 toe touches. In a row. It made me pee my pants. Just thought you might want to know that.
Is that like doing crunches at the gym, trying to impress the ladies, and a little fart squeaks out?
Not so much. More like a circle of screaming girls at a dance competition and me showing off. Luckily I was wearing tights and nobody knew about it but me. Or so I’d like to think.
How old were you? That is the important question.
Sadly I was old enough to have mastered bladder control. I think I was 15-17. Did I mention I did this more than once? No? Yeah, it was on going for two years. Though 28 was my best number. Now you know more about me than you ever wanted to.
That is the best story I’ve ever heard. Would you mind if I turned that into a kid’s book? I was thinking “Petunia Pee Pee Pants and The Tuesday Toe Touching Tea Party.”
I have nothing to say. How does one come back from that?
I think you are one hilarious woman, that’s what I think. You crack me up.
Aw shucks. I’d have to say you are pretty damn funny yourself.
Also, Sandy, I am not stalking your husband.
Is that like doing crunches at the gym, trying to impress the ladies, and a little fart squeaks out?
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