I have zero desire to see “Dragonball: Evolution,” so the news of an opening date change from who-knows-what to April 10th, 2009 is about exciting as fantasizing about Chow Yun-Fat’s dirty fingernails in “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End.” What would be exciting is if this movie actually had something to do with a dragon’s balls. Dare to dream!
2 comments On Dragonball: Evolution Opening Date Change
LOL! Don’t tell, but JJ used to watch this Japanese Aneme all the time when we lived in a trailer up at USU. Yes, that makes us white trash and PLEASE don’t bring this movie to his attention or I might have to see it with him.
I am 100 percent sure I will never see this movie. Ever. If I am paralyzed (including eye paralysis) and in a hospital and this is the only thing on TV, I will somehow shut my system down and die, that way I won’t be forced to watch.
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