This summer’s hit comedy “The Hangover” recently became the highest grossing R-rated comedy of all time. Considering the movie had a budget of $34 million and subsequently raked in over $247 million, you can bet director Todd Phillips (“Old School”) is making Warner Brothers do cartwheels and backflips into a giant pool of sweaty money. It’s no wonder Phillips new comedy, “Due Date,” starts shooting this fall. “Hangover” star Zach Galifianakis is already attached and Robert Downey Jr has just signed on to play the other lead.
I’ll say it right now: I’d see the movie for Galifanakis, but with Downey Jr. this movie is easily a must-see. Phillips is calling his new comedy “a buddy comedy without the buddies.” I’d love to tell you when it’s scheduled to hit theaters, but there is no release date as of yet.
The Things We Do For Love