Transformers 3 Adds Big Names to Cast

Michael Bay announced on his website on March 22 that Oscar regulars, John Malkovich (Burn After Reading) and Frances McDormand (Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day) have joined the cast of Transformers 3, due to hit theaters the summer of 2011. Also joining the cast is Ken Jeong, most recently seen in The Hangover doing a naked Asian impression with Bradley Cooper of the facehugger scene in Alien. The three actors join Transformers regulars Megan Fox, Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson

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Chris Evans is Captain America

I have nothing against Chris Evans. I think he’s great in Sunshine and I thought he holds his own as Johnny Storm in both Fantastic Four movies. I can see why Marvel Studios wants him in the role of Captain America in The First Avenger: Captain America. He’s a recognizable face, he’s a handsome dude and he’s got a nice, Ryan Reynold’s-esque wit and sarcasm. But frankly, I would have loved to see Marvel Studios do something different and go

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Behold the Bland: New Twilight Eclipse Poster is 100% Lame

I’m not a fan of The Twilight Saga, but this poster blows. I know, I know. I sound surprised. I’m not, but if I was a fan, I’d be disappointed. Plus, am I the only one who can’t figure out why Bella isn’t picking Jacob over Edward? I mean, just from the poster wouldn’t you go with the dependable hunk over the pasty-skinned, brooding vampire who is always running away? Seems clear to me, but then girls generally like the

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Avatar on Blu-ray and DVD April 22!

If you were of the 12 people in America who didn’t see Avatar in theaters and didn’t help fill James Cameron’s wallet with $732 million, then you can pre-order your DVD or Blu-ray copy of Avatar today from It was announced yesterday the all-time highest grossing domestic and worldwide movie will hit stores on April 22 – which, by no coincidence, is Earth Day. However, if you want special features, pretty menus and all the bells and whistles, you’ll

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The Hobbit Starts Filming June 2010

I think you’d be hard pressed to find a living, breathing soul who doesn’t have a hankering for more Lord of the Rings movie goodness. Peter Jackson’s trilogy is easily one of the greatest cinematic masterpieces of all-time. Somehow Mr. Jackson was able to sift through all the D&D nerd crap and make three films that appeased both the Tolkien fanatics and Joe Plumber. Well, folks longing for more LOTR goodness can inch that much closer to giddiness as we

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