A Perfect Getaway Trailer Ruins Hawaii Before God Does

It’s no secret I love Hawaii. If it was a woman, I’d marry it. A man, even. But let’s not go too far down that road, because the following trailer may have ruined all that for me. Ok, no. Every summer you’ve got a late-season junk thriller/actioner that pops up and makes a run for a dark horse weekend. Into the Blue was one such film. Red Eye was another. Last year we saw Death Race and Mirrors. Two of

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Movie With Long Name Gets Marginal Trailer

The Goods: Live hard. Sell hard. is living it up trailer style.  Produced by Will Ferrell, which means, well, not much really, the trailer had me in the first 20 seconds and then lost me the rest of the way. While Jeremy Piven is a fish avoiding excusathon, he delivers the pithy funny every time. Except maybe this one. The trailer is red band, which means it has words that will make your mamma wash your mouth out with soap,

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The Curious Case of a Mr. Nobody Trailer

Ok, so I totally ripped this sucker straight from CHUD.com, but I’m making no apologies because the trailer for Mr. Nobody looks intriguing to say the least and fantastic to say the most. Intriguing because Jared Leto looks normal and sympathetic and fantastic because the premise– what if we never made ANY choices and could thus enjoy every possible outcome of our lives?– is so potentially rich. Is there a person alive who’s not had to make a choice and

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Twilight New Moon Images from EW

I was perusing the web this morning and came across these “Twilight: New Moon” images at Entertainment Weekly’s website. I’ll be frank, I have no idea what is even happening in these photos, but my guess is Bella is pouting in both and these rugged, over-stylized vampires are giving her tender, yet firm guidance. And of course the one with Edward Sparklepants is definitely ending in a cold, pasty kiss. These do nothing for me, but if you’re a “Twilight”

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Tarantino Makes a Better Spokesperson than Eli Roth

While Inglorious Basterds delights and revels in things I think most human beings should find repugnant, I’m going all apologist after viewing the “Jail Break” clip below. Between the irreverent entry and playful zing of Brad Pitt’s introduction of the Basterds to the legendary Ennio Marricone’s bouncy score, it’s hard not to feel a little twinge of fun, film-geek anticipation at Quentin Tarantino’s deft play for attention. Tarantino– you bastalonie. Fire Roth as your spokesperson, because now I’m listening. For

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Not a Movie, but Awesome Anyway

If you have any memory of the 80’s, you’ll remember NBC’s lizards-disguised-as-humans-have-come-to-enslave-the-planet TV mini-series: V. A high-production sci-fi adventure allegory min-series that spawned Independence Day’s massive spaceship hovering over cities imagery, V had most boys forgetting about Star Wars for a while and peeling silly putty off their faces, making “Wsssshhh-Zew” laser sounds and not even thinking twice about abberant behavior with a hot lizard. V remains surprisingly solid on revisit some 26 years later, but has always been a

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Early Buzz on Tarantino’s Basterds

Quentin Tarantino and the cast of “Inglorious Basterds” are at the Cannes Film Festival and early buzz from Roger Ebert and CNN seems to be good, especially if you’re someone who isn’t keen on brutal violence pasted on the silver screen just for kicks. It seems this Tarantino film has more talking than gore, of course this is also a war movie and sometimes war violence is treated with kid gloves because, well, it’s war. And war is hell. And

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Lusting After a Mann and his Enemies

One movie I’m looking forward to this summer is Michael Mann’s “Public Enemies,” starring Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Marion Cotillar. I understand there is some trepidation from Mann fans given the director’s last outing was the not-so-great “Miami Vice.” I have a hard time believing Michael Mann is capable of dropping two consecutive cinematic bombs, and based on what I’ve seen from the “Public Enemies” trailer, it’s going to be chock full of gangstery goodness. Shown above are three

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Terminators and Pizza go Together Like Ladies and Peanut Butter

In a recent red carpet interview, Terminator creator James Cameron had some exciting stuff to say about the upcoming Terminator: Salvation: “It doesn’t look like it’s going to be an embarrassment.” He’s out to get you HYPED! Sign me up for a Friday/Saturday double viewing. Luckily, Pizza Hut has a little more skin in the game and is giving you a glimpse of a scene from the movie (which, from a visual standpoint, looks ominously ethereal)– complete with McG introduction

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Prince of Persia Looks… Sandy

I probably don’t need to go into a rant on video game adaptations and their track record of pooptitude– it’s a simple cinematic fact (to date)  and exists as its own rule– right along side Penelope Cruz equaling Box Office Poison and an assurance of a Matthew McConaughey romcom (is there any other kind?) containing shirt misplacemant and drawling “aawwwwll raaaighhhhts”. Still, high hops have been foistered in the form of Prince of Persia, the film based on the climbing,

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