JACKIE Trailer Foretells of Awards Season Glory

I realize movie trailers don’t always tell the truth, but I get sucked in because I love movies. I anticipate awards seasons darlings just as much as I anticipate holiday/summer popcorn blockbusters. The trailer for JACKIE, Natalie Portman’s new bio-drama about Jacqueline Kennedy, is absolutely stunning. Again, not having seen the movie, I can only assume, but the visuals put forth in the two-and-a-half minute trailer are raw, atmospheric and striking. The film is sitting at 97% on Rotten Tomatoes,

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LA LA LAND Trailer Full of The Feels

Ryan Gosling (THE NICE GUYS) is a charming SOB and Emma Stone (ALOHA) is all kinds of adorable in nearly every movie the two thespians have touched over the course of their respective careers. They can tiptoe between drama and comedy with ease. Even in the dark and atmospheric 2011 noir-thriller, DRIVE, which has our hero gagging bad guys with bullets and squishing noggins in elevators (whilst bedazzled in a satin scorpion jacket, nonetheless), you can’t help but be charmed

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