I’m not sure Carnage will be a box-office success, but I can’t imagine with this cast (and pedophilia-loving director, Roman Polanski) – Jodie Foster (The Brave One), Kate Winslet (The Reader), Christoph Waltz (Inglourious Bastards) and John C. Reilly (Cyrus) – the movie won’t get massive critical praise and, one might assume, Oscar buzz.
The story is quite simple: After their children are involved in a schoolyard fight, the two sets of parents meet to discuss what happened and iron out any potential lingering problems. Based on the trailer, and based off my own experience being a parent, this looks to be a hilariously dark comedy and chock full of all the things parents wish they could say about other parents, their kids and life in general.
Carnage comes to the big-screen on December 16, 2011. Check out the trailer below.