Kristen Stewart: ‘I Wanted to Puke Up Blood’

Entertainment Weekly has the latest compelling information about the upcoming release of the Nth edition of the Twilight series, Breaking Wind Dawn. In the expose, the actress of … one … facial expression laments the fact that Breaking Dawn had to maintain a PG-13 rating, and thus couldn’t get as graphic as the book with a highly anticipated wedding/birthing scene. “I would have loved to have been puking up blood,” Stewart told EW. If only she knew how pleasant puking

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Worth Seeing: Scream 4

I don’t like “scary” movies. Never have, just don’t get them. As for the Scream franchise, I saw the first one more than 10 years ago, may have seen Scream 2, but can’t remember, and certainly didn’t see the third “shriekquel” in the series. I did, however, find myself sitting in the theater to watch Scream 4 Tuesday afternoon, however, and boy did I have a blast. This movie is worth seeing. It’s fun, it doesn’t take itself seriously at

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The Dark Knight Rises adds even more Inception flavor

I hope Andy will forgive me for hijacking his website (he probably forgot I had a username and password) to share this news that makes me very giddy in my nether regions: Warner Bros. officially announced today the addition of two more Inception alumni to the cast of The Dark Knight Rises.   Marion Cotillard will join the cast as Wayne Industries board member and Bruce Wayne gal-pal Miranda Tate, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt will portray John Blake, a Gotham City cop

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Dan Vinton: The God of all Oscars

He won the Oscar Nomination Smackdown and now, Daniel Vinton has won the title of God of All Oscars with a win in the KVNU/ Oscar Pick’em contest. The contest was close, with the Best Picture winner (“The Hurt Locker“) determining the winner of the challenge. Dan’s 37 points bested second-place Andy’s 34. Tyler Riggs and Aaron Peck both pulled a 33, while everyman Harry Caines brought up the rear with a 28.

Dan Vinton BARELY edges Aaron Peck in 2010 KVNU Oscar Smackdown

Judge’s Note: There was some controversy this morning as a result of Dan Vinton selecting Colin Firth as a nominee for actor in a leading role, but labeling him as being in “A Single Man.” Because Colin Firth did not star in both films, it was clear to the judge, upon a second review of the results, what Dan Vinton meant. It is no more fair to let someone lose on a small mistake like that than to let someone

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