Middle Earth is back!

Any fans of Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit who haven’t  “Liked” Peter Jacksons facebook page should stop reading this immidiately and “like” Peter Jackson (Jackson’s Facebook Page.) Jackson recently released a 10 minute behind-the-scenes video on the set of The Hobbit, and has continued to include fans like no other director I have seen. The Hobbit video gave me chills, seeing Middle Earth completely rebuilt reminded me how much I loved the original three films. In the video there are great

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13 Assassins – A samurai film worth your attention

13 Assassins is a film samurai fans have been waiting for. Unfortunately, it might be difficult for many to see the film in any type of theatrical setting. Assassins was released in Japan last year, and is scheduled for release in the US today (April 29th.) No theaters in Salt Lake will be showing 13 Assassins this weekend or next. This could be due to the high volume of Hollywood blockbusters scheduled for release in the coming weeks (Fast Five, Thor…) However,

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LOTR Extended Edition Coming to Theaters

The Lord of the Rings Blu-Ray Limited Extended Edition is slated to be released on June 28th.  TheOneRing has reported that the extended editions of all three LOTR films will be re-released in to AMC theaters.  On June 14th The Fellowship of the Ring: Extended Edition will hit theaters, followed by The Two Towers: Extended Edition on June 21st, finishing up with The Return of the King: Extended Edition on June 28th (the same day of the Blu-ray release.) The Limited

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