Andy’s Weekly Movie Trailer Roundup

Lots of movie trailers hitting the interweb the last couple of days. Here’s a quick roundup of what’s what on the movie trailer hype train.

Tom Cruise surprised Comic-Con attendees yesterday when he showed up to unveil the trailer for TOP GUN: MAVERICK during the TERMINATOR: DARK FATE presentation. I wasn’t a huge fan of the 1986 TOP GUN, so I’m not doing cartwheels over the idea of a second movie, although I do love me some Ed Harris. This doesn’t hit theaters until June 2020. I’m sure we’ll be at war with Iran by that point, so hopefully they worked that into the movie. Check out the trailer below and let me know in the comments what you think.

IT CHAPTER TWO dropped its final trailer and needless to say my bum is already dropping diamonds faster than Gene Needham can say “middle of the block at the sign of the clock.” I hope the second movie gets more love from awards voters this season that it did last time. The first IT movie wasn’t just a great horror movie; it was a great movie period. Trailer is below.

IT CHAPTER TWO would have been the creepiest trailer to hit the web on July 18th, but then Universal Pictures gave us a two-minute peek at CATS. This is straight nightmare fuel, folks. I don’t know what I’m looking at, but…just…yikes. Watch at your own risk.

1 comments On Andy’s Weekly Movie Trailer Roundup

  • Hi Andy,

    Have to disagree with you on this one. Loved everything about the ‘86 Top Gun, story, acting and music score. Can’t wait for 2020!

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